2020s - 2010s - 2000s - 1990s - 1980s - 1970s Decade

Jun-Aug, 1973: Camp Robert Faries - Decatur, IL
Entertainment for the Boy Scout campers at their first dining hall meal each week.

Oct 11, 1975: Gamma Phi Circus - Illinois State University Homecoming Football Game - Hancock Stadium - Normal, IL
Halftime performance on the field with Mike Klansek and other Gamma Phi jugglers at the college football game.

Oct 24, 1975: Gamma Phi Circus - Forman Jr. High School - Forest City, IL
With other Gamma Phi jugglers.

Oct 26, 1975: Gamma Phi Circus - Bloomington Parks and Recreation Halloween Parade - Bloomington, IL
With other Gamma Phi jugglers.

Nov 14, 1975: Gamma Phi Circus - Brigham School - Bloomington, IL
With Nina Bragg and other Gamma Phi jugglers.

Dec 5, 1975: Gamma Phi Circus - Mt. Zion High School - Mt. Zion, IL
With Mike Klansek, Nina Bragg and other Gamma Phi jugglers.

Jan 17, 1976: Gamma Phi Circus - Streator High School - Streator, IL
With Nina Bragg and other Gamma Phi jugglers.

Feb 15, 1976: Gamma Phi Circus - McLean County Heart Fund - Fred Young Fieldhouse - Wesleyan University - Bloomington, IL
With other Gamma Phi jugglers.

Spring, 1976: Gamma Phi Circus Road Show - Rich South High School
With Jim Jehli, Jim Johnson, Laurie Saren, Bob Jehli, Bob Saunderman, Nina Bragg, Del Rae Cruzen, Duke Wagner, Kevin McGraw, Jan Heideman, Deb Stahl, Bill McAdam, Randy Hurtte, Mike Klansek, Mick Henneberry.

Spring, 1976: Gamma Phi Circus Road Show - Mendota High School
Same list of jugglers as above.

Apr, 1976: Gamma Phi Circus Home Shows - Illinois State University Horton Fieldhouse - Normal, IL
3 shows in 2 days - same list of jugglers as above.
Members of the 1976 Gamma Phi Circus: Director Jerry Polacek, Assistant Director William Jaeger, Al Gimbut, Barb Sharp, Barbara Fleming, Bill Anderson, Bill McAdam, Bill Packheiser, Bob Jehli, Bob Saunderman, Bruce Beiersdorf, Carol Balsamello, Cathi Caliendo, Cathy Waclaw, Charlene Pleckham, Cheryl Kull, Chris Hansen, Chris Johnson, Cindy Hunt, Cindy Miller, Clair Land, Dale Greene, Dan Berg, David McCreary, Dean Miller, Deb Stahl, Dee Ann Dole, Del Rae Cruzen, Denise Wasson, Dirk Vangeison, Donna Springborn, Dorothy Mason, Doug Krebs, Duke Wagner, Gary Smigel, Jama Stephens, Jan Heideman, Jan Smith, Jan Wolf, Jane Cook, Jeannie Filchak, Jeff Bloom, Jerry Meyer, Jill Hickey, Jim Jehli, Jim Johnson, Joe Lechner, John Guarrine, John Howe, John Saunders, Judy Cook, Judy Ponsoc, Julie Porter, Kevin McGraw, Kurt Hendershot, Lance McCleary, Laurie Saren, Leanne Phillips, Lois Beth, Lynda Kunkel, Lynn Stanko, Margie McGorey, Marilyn Stone, Marla Goodman, Mary Beth Schultz, Mary Kay Harding, Mary Siebert, Maureen O'Sullivan, Mick Henneberry, Mike Klansek, Momi Takaki, Myra Ruble, Nancy Helmick, Nancy Storrs, Nick Issacs, Nina Bragg, Pam Nicoll, Randy Hurtte, Rick Mirro, Rick Ponsi, Roger Lahr, Ron Neal, Scott Graham, Stephanie Moebius, Steve Day, Steve Smith, Teri Dickson, Terry Diaferio, Trish Henry

Spring, 1976: Chinese Acrobatics reception - University Union - Normal, IL
Solo performance for the chinese acrobats during a reception after their show. It was a great way to communicate with the chinese jugglers since we were not able to communicate verbally. After I did my solo routine, we took turns juggling for each other and trading tricks.

Oct, 1976: Gamma Phi Circus - Illinois State University Homecoming Parade - Normal, IL
With other Gamma Phi jugglers.

Fall/Winter, 1976: Gamma Phi Circus school assemblies - multiple shows in Illinois
High Schools, Jr. High Schools, Grade Schools.

Feb, 1977: Gamma Phi Circus - Stephen Decatur High School - Decatur, IL
With Jim Jehli, Laurie Saren, Greg Grimstad, and others.
This was a significant show for me and for Greg Grimstad because it was a return to our high school alma mater for a school assembly performance.

Mar, 1977: Gamma Phi Circus - Illinois State University vs UNLV Basketball Halftime - Horton Fieldhouse - Normal, IL

Apr, 1977: Gamma Phi Circus - Illinois State University South Gym - Normal, IL
With other Gamma Phi jugglers.

Apr, 1977: Watterson Commons - Rites Of Spring - I.S.U. - Normal, IL
Solo. I.S.U. provided a free concert of REO Speedwagon, Charlie Daniels Band, and 2 other bands on the I.S.U. quad. I did a performance for the student lunch crowd before the concert.

Apr, 1977: Gamma Phi Circus Road Show - ? High School
With Jim Jehli, Jim Johnson, Bob Jehli, Laurie Saren, Nina Bragg, Del Rae Cruzen, Bob Saunderman, Dale Green, Greg Grimstad, Greg Meyer, Pete Schulte (Dan partner with Laurie).

Apr, 1977: Gamma Phi Circus Home Shows - Illinois State University Horton Fieldhouse - Normal, IL
3 shows in 2 days - same list of jugglers as above.

Members of the 1977 Gamma Phi Circus: Director Jerry Polacek, Assistant Director William Jaeger, Al Gimbut, Ann Welch, Barbara Fleming, Bob Jehli, Bob Saunderman, Bruce Beiersdorf, Carol Balsamello, Charlene Pleckham, Cheryl Kull, Chris Johnson, Cindy Miller, Clair Land, Dale Green, Dan Berg, Dave Weir, David McCreary, Dawn Sherbeyn, Deb Dowling, Deb Stahl, Debbie Hughes, Dee Ann Dole, Del Rae Cruzen, Denise Perry, Denise Wasson, Dorothy Mason, Doug Krebs, Gary Smigel, Greg Grimstad, Greg Meyer, Jan Heideman, Jan Smith, Jeannie Filchak, Jill Murphy, Jim Jehli, Jim Johnson, Joanne Goldman, John Guarrine, John Saunders, Judy Ponsor, Julie Porter, Kathy Waclaw, Kevin McGraw, Laurie Saren, Margie McGorey, Mark Buttice, Mark Harding, Marla Goodman, Mary Beth Schultz, Mary Kay Harding, Mary Seibert, Maureen O'Sullivan, Mike Smith, Mike Whately, Nancy Helmick, Nancy Meyers, Nick Isaacs, Nina Bragg, Pam Isaacs, Pam Kruger, Pam Nicoll, Paul Siefert, Pete Schulte, Rich Gerrand, Rick Mirro, Roger Lahr, Ruth Penn, Scott Graham, Scott Scholten (Ringmaster), Steve Smith, Sue Shacklett, Sue Terry Diaferio, Todd Westby, Trish Henry, Valarie Jantz

May, 1977: Went to Peru, IN to audition for a summer circus opportunity at Marriots Great America in Gurnee, IL
With Jim Jehli and Jan Heideman.

Jun/Jul/Aug, 1977: Circus Fantastic - Marriott's Great America - Gurnee, IL
4 shows a day, 6 days a week, all summer - with Jim Jehli, Jan Heideman, Paul McKlintock, Bruce Pfeffer, Bill Whitmeyer, Marc Hoover, Lynn Adams - plus unicycle act and gym wheel.

Members of the 1977 Circus Fantastic: Andy Sokel, Ann Wilkinson, Bill Whitmeyer, Bruce Pfeffer, Chris Rumps, Cindy Bischkey, Dan Berg, Dan Butler, Dan Thomas (Ringmaster), Dan Townsend, Danny Sokel, Dondi (elephant), Francine Sholtz, Jan Heideman, Jan Shefstad, Jeanie Bertz, Jeff Semmerling, Jim Jehli, JoAnn ?, Linda Kenney, Linda Ryan, Linda Stamen, Louann Barnhill, Lynn Adams, Mark Hoover, Mike ?, Patti Richards, Paul McKlintock, Phil Shotz, Steve Bonnell, Sue Ryan, Steve Schefstad, Sue Sweeney, Tjode Johnson, Tom Edelston

Jun/Jul/Aug, 1977: Marriott's Great America Parade - Gurnee, IL
1 parade a day, 6 days a week, all summer - same list of performers as above.

Jul, 1977: Captain Kangaroo Show - Circus Fantastic - Gurnee, IL
Same list of jugglers as above. Captain Kangaroo was the ringmaster of Circus Fantastic for one day. Bob Denver (Gilligan) introduced the juggling act. Jim Jehli and I passed 6 clubs around Bob Denver. Tom Smothers was also in the show. Mr. Green Genes did a clown act.

Aug, 1977: Circus Fantastic - Marriott's Great America - Gurnee, IL
With Bruce Pfeffer (the first formal performance of The Wimbledon Brothers) - The final Circus Fantastic performance of the summer. We did a 2-man act instead of the normal 8-person act that we performed all summer. Bruce & I had practiced all summer between the normal shows, so we tried out our new act as part of Circus Fantastic. Highlights: 3 club individuals, 6 clubs back-to-back, 7 balls, technical tennis racquet routine, 8 club finale.

Oct, 1977: Gamma Phi Circus - Illinois State University Homecoming Parade - Normal, IL
With other Gamma Phi jugglers.

Fall, 1977: Poison Apple Disco - Gong Show - Bloomington, IL
With Jim Jehli - 1st place in a talent show competition.

Fall, 1977: Illinois State University Talent Competition - 2nd Place
With Jim Jehli - announced as 2nd place and then the whole audience boo'd the judges because we didn't win.

Fall, 1977: Gamma Phi Circus - Illinois State University campus - Normal, IL
With Jim Jehli.

Fall, 1977: Gamma Phi Circus - Eastland Shopping Center - Bloomington, IL
With Jim Jehli.

Fall, 1977: Gamma Phi Circus - ?
With Jim Jehli, Jim Johnson, Bob Jehli, Chuck Hutinger.

Fall, 1977: Gamma Phi Circus - Illinois State University Basketball Halftime - Horton Fieldhouse - Normal, IL
With Jim Jehli, Jim Johnson, Bob Jehli, Chuck Hutinger.

Fall, 1977: Gamma Phi Circus - Illinois State University Basketball Halftime - Horton Fieldhouse - Normal, IL
With Jim Jehli, Jim Johnson, Bob Jehli, Chuck Hutinger.

Fall, 1977: Explorer Post 200 - Boy Scouts of America - Decatur, IL
Solo performance for the post meeting.

Fall, 1977: Rotary Club - Holiday Inn - Decatur, IL
With Jim Jehli - stage show. Highlight: passed torches around Senator Jim Rupp.

Dec, 1977: Madrigal Dinners - I.S.U. Union Auditorium - Normal, IL
15 shows in 15 days - solo.

Spring, 1978: Gamma Phi Circus school assembly tour - multiple shows in Illinois
High Schools, Jr. High Schools, Grade Schools.

Spring, 1978: Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner - Holiday Inn - Decatur, IL
With Jim Jehli.

Spring, 1978: Gamma Phi Circus Road Show - ? High School
With Jim Jehli, Jim Johnson, Chuck Hutinger, Bob Jehli, John Burns, Greg Myers, Pete Schulte, Jim Martin, Del Rae Cruzen, plus unicycle act. Jim Jehli and I also performed our 2-man act during the pre-shows and passed together in the Rolling Globe act.

Apr, 1978: Gamma Phi Circus Home Shows - Illinois State University Horton Fieldhouse - Normal, IL
2 shows in 2 days - same list of jugglers as above.
Members of the 1978 Gamma Phi Circus: Director Jerry Polacek, Assistant Director William Jaeger, Al Gimbut, Alice Tate, Andie Tonyan, Ann Welsh, Barry Schultz, Brian Ruxton, Brian Skelton, Carol Balsamello, Carrie Dexter, Cathy Guyton, Cathy Waclaw, Cheryl Kull, Chuck Hutinger, Dan Berg, Dave McCreary, Dawn Sherbeyn, Deb Becker, Deb Dowling, Deb Smith, Dee Ann Dole, Del Rae Cruzen, Denise Perry, Denise Wasson, Dorothy Mason, Doug Krebs, Greg Meyer, Greg Schramer, Jan Smith, Jeannette Quevedo, Jill Meyers, Jill Murphy, Jim Denardo, Jim Jehli, Jim Johnson, Jim Martin, Jim Wolff, Joanne Goldman, Joe Lechner, John Burns, John Saunders, Kyle Chamblee, Linda Buddenbaum, Lore Karp, Lynn Dillow, Lynn Shaw, Margie Skandera, Margie McGorey, Mark Buttice, Mark Mueller, Mark Welsh, Marla Goodman, Marty Bos, Mary Seibert, Michelle Albrecht, Mike Smith, Mike Whately, Nancy Helmick, Nancy Meingasner, Nancy Meyers, Pam Kruger, Pete Schulte, Rich Gerrond, Rich Tanaka, Rick Mirro, Roger Lahr, Ruth Penn, Scott Scholten (Ringmaster), Sheri Steffen, Sindy Sanders, Steve Borkan, Sue Schacklett, Teri Dickson, Terry Diaferio, Todd Westby, Valerie Jantz

Jun/Jul/Aug, 1978: Circus Fantastic - Marriott's Great America - Gurnee, IL
5 shows a day, 6 days a week, all summer - with Bruce Pfeffer, John Burns, Andy Barnhill, Pam Compton, Joel Carlson, Warren Hamilton - plus unicycle act and gym wheel. Highlights: 8 clubs over 7 clubs over 6 clubs every show. One performance of 9 club quads over 8 club triples over 7 club doubles over 6 club singles.

Members of the 1978 Circus Fantastic: Andy Barnhill, Bruce Pfeffer, Buddy McClellan, Christy Morgan, Cindy Bieschke, Colin Murphy, Dan Berg, Debbie Bowman, Denise Perry, Don Babst, Doug Krebbs, Jeannie Bertz, Jeff Semmerling, Joel Carlson, John Dolf (Ringmaster), John Burns, Julie Norton, Kyle Sawyer, Linda Stamen, Pam Compton, Ruth Penn, Scott Osgood, Steve Bonnell, Steve Borkan, Tim O'Brien, Tom Edelston, Warren Hamilton, Sandy Weber, Tom Sparough, ?

Jun/Jul/Aug, 1978: Marriott's Great America Parade - Gurnee, IL
1 parade a day, 6 days a week, all summer - same list of performers as above.

Jul, 1978: Bozo's Circus - WGN Studios - Chicago, IL
With Bruce Pfeffer, John Burns, Andy Barnhill. This performance was to promote Circus Fantastic at Marriott's Great America.

Aug 26, 1978: Don & Mary Berg's 35th Anniversary Party - Decatur, IL
With Gerry Berg.

Sep 23, 1978: Girl Scouts - Elk's Club - Decatur, IL
With John Burns. Note: during the show, my niece, Jennifer Swartz, rode on my shoulders on the unicycle.

Fall, 1978: Gamma Phi Circus - Illinois State University Homecoming Parade - Normal, IL
With Greg Grimstad, Pete Schulte, Steve Borkan.

Fall, 1978: Gamma Phi Circus - Oakland Grade School - IL
With Greg Grimstad.

Fall, 1978: Gamma Phi Circus - LaSalle/Peru High School - IL
With John Burns, Pete Schulte, Doug Krebs.

Fall, 1978: Gamma Phi Circus - elementary school - Normal, IL
With John Burns.

Fall, 1978: Church Assembly - Mt. Zion, IL
With Greg Grimstad (The Martini Brothers).

Winter, 1978: Madrigal Dinners - I.S.U. Union Auditorium - Normal, IL
15 shows in 15 days - solo.

Dec 16-Dec 31, 1978: Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Very Merry Christmas Parade - FL
With Bruce Pfeffer (The Wimbledon Brothers) - 2 long parades plus 6 short acts each day for 15 days.

Dec, 1978: Ringling Brothers & Barnum and Bailey Circus World Participation Circus - FL

Dec, 1978: Busch Gardens - Tangiers Theater - Tampa, FL
With Bruce Pfeffer, Bill Whitmeyer, Mark ?

Jan 1, 1979: Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Very Merry Christmas Parade - FL
2 long parades plus 6 short acts - with Bruce Pfeffer (The Wimbledon Brothers).

Jan 12, 1979: Stevenson Grade School - Decatur, IL
With Greg Grimstad (The Martini Brothers) - school assembly for nephew Jim Swartz.

Spring, 1979: Gamma Phi Circus exhibition - Illinois State University vs Milwaukee, WI Basketball Halftime - Horton Fieldhouse - Normal, IL
With John Burns, Pete Schulte, Greg Grimstad, Doug Krebs, Eric Ton, Deb Becker, Deb Smith.

Spring, 1979: Gamma Phi Circus exhibition - Muscular Dystrophy Dance Marathon - Poison Apple Disco - Bloomington, IL
With Rich Tanaka, Deb Smith, Eric Ton.

Spring, 1979: Lemon Drive - Illinois State University - Normal, IL
With Greg Grimstad, Pete Schulte, Dan Thomas.

Spring, 1979: Taught Juggling Lessons - Normal, IL
With Robin Grant - once a week all semester.

Apr 13, 1979: Bozo's Circus - WGN Studios - Chicago, IL
With John Burns. This performance was to promote Gamma Phi Circus.

Spring, 1979: Gamma Phi Circus Road Show - Wharton Fieldhouse - Moline, IL
With John Burns, Pete Schulte, Greg Grimstad, Doug Krebs, Deb Becker, Deb Smith, Eric Ton, plus unicycle act. John Burns and I also did 2 performances during pre-show activities.

Apr 20 & 21, 1979: Gamma Phi Circus Home Shows - Illinois State University Horton Fieldhouse - Normal, IL
2 shows in 2 days - same list of jugglers as above.
Members of the 1979 Gamma Phi Circus: Director Jerry Polacek, Assistant Director William Jaeger, Al Gimbut, Alice Tate, Amy Ashley, Andrea Kohnke, Audrey Sherbyn, Barry Schultz, Bev Collins, Bonnie Holthaus, Brian Skelton, Carol Stokowski, Cathy Waclaw, Carrie Dexter, Cheryl Kull, Clare Bayless, Craig Lancaster, Dan Berg, Dan Thomas (Ringmaster), Dave Sonefeld, Dawn Sherbyn, Deb Becker, Deb Dowling, Deb Smith, Denise Perry, Donna Schumacher, Doreen Bevard, Doug Krebs, Eric Ton, Greg Grimstad, Greg Schramer, Jean Offenbacher, Jill Myers, Jo Ann Godfrey, Joanne Goldman, John Burns, Jojo Quevedo, Joyce Grube, Julie Collier, Julie Noffsinger, Katie Lanier, Ken Lovett, Kyle Chamblee, Linda Buddenbaum, Lisa Piemonte, Lori Conroy, Lori Karp, Lori McCullough, Lynn Dillow, Lynne Hurst, Lynn Pacheco, Margie McGorey, Margie Skandera, Mark Buttice, Mark Mueller, Mark Welsh, Marty Bos, Mary Macino, Mary Schoepke, Mary Seibert, Mike Griffen, Mike Paisley, Mike Whately, Nancy Cacciatore, Nancy Golder, Nancy Meingasner, Nancy Meyers, Pam Kruger, Pat Wasser, Pete Schulte, Rich Tanaka, Rick Mirro, Roger Lahr, Scott Puesiko, Sindy Sanders, Sue Fischer, Terri Dickson, Terri Diaferio, Todd Westby

Jun 5, 1979: Parson Elementary School - Decatur, IL
With Greg Grimstad (The Martini Brothers) - school assembly for 6th grade graduation.

Jun 12, 1979: Central Christian Church - Decatur, IL
With Greg Grimstad (The Martini Brothers) - school assembly for the entire grade school.

Jun, 1979: a tourist store in Estes Park - Estes Park, CO
With Bruce Pfeffer (The Wimbledon Brothers) - we began our summer tour here.

Jun, 1979: Elkhorn Lodge - Estes Park, CO
2 shows in 2 days - with Bruce Pfeffer (The Wimbledon Brothers).

Jun/Jul, 1979: Pearl Street Mall - Boulder, CO
31 shows in 13 days - with Bruce Pfeffer (The Wimbledon Brothers).

Jun, 1979: Documentary Film - Boulder, CO
With Bruce Pfeffer (The Wimbledon Brothers) - Our street performing act was filmed for a movie/documentary, but I can't remember the name of it.

Jul, 1979: Bozo's Circus - WGN Studios - Chicago, IL
With Bruce Pfeffer (The Wimbledon Brothers).

Jul, 1979: International Jugglers Association Team Competitions - Amherst, MS
First Place - with Bruce Pfeffer (The Wimbledon Brothers).

Jul, 1979: International Jugglers Association Public Show - Amherst, MS
With Bruce Pfeffer (The Wimbledon Brothers).

Jul, 1979: Filmed for the network show "Real People" during IJA convention - Amherst, MA
With many other jugglers.

Jul, 1979: New Market - Philadelphia, PA
4 shows in 2 days - with Bruce Pfeffer (The Wimbledon Brothers).

Jul, 1979: Hershey Park Amusement Park - Hershey Park, PA
10 shows in 2 days - with Bruce Pfeffer (The Wimbledon Brothers).

Jul, 1979: Video Audition for Bob Anthony - a New York Agent - New York, NY
With Bruce Pfeffer (The Wimbledon Brothers).

Jul/Aug, 1979: streets of manhattan - New York, NY
37 shows in 12 days - with Bruce Pfeffer (The Wimbledon Brothers) - locations: Bleeker St. & 6th Ave., Washington Sq., Sheridan Sq., Exxon Bldg., 51st St. & Park Ave.

Aug, 1979: Six Flags Great Adventures Amusement Park - NJ
With Bruce Pfeffer (The Wimbledon Brothers).

Aug, 1979: Cartoons Disco - Long Island, NY
2 shows with Bruce Pfeffer (The Wimbledon Brothers), plus 1 solo performance.

Aug, 1979: F.S.U. Flying High Circus - Callaway Gardens - Pine Mountain, GA
2 shows with Bruce Pfeffer (The Wimbledon Brothers) - performed our street performing show for the circus performers and then our competition act during the Flying High Circus show.

Aug 31, 1979: Bozo's Circus - WGN Studios - Chicago, IL
With Bruce Pfeffer (The Wimbledon Brothers).

Sep, 1979: I.S.U. Gamma Phi Circus - Normal, IL
2 shows with Bruce Pfeffer (The Wimbledon Brothers) - performed our street performing act and then our competition routines for the members of Gamma Phi Circus. Received 2 standing ovations. This performance was covered by local media.

Sep, 1979: Farmer's Market - Madison, WI
With Bruce Pfeffer (The Wimbledon Brothers).

Sep, 1979: University of Wisconsin Library Mall - Madison, WI
9 shows in 2 days - with Bruce Pfeffer (The Wimbledon Brothers).

Sep, 1979: Illinois State University Campus - Normal, IL
With Bruce Pfeffer (The Wimbledon Brothers).

Oct, 1979: Gamma Phi Circus exhibition - 1st National Bank Plaza - Chicago, IL
2 shows - with Bruce Pfeffer, John Burns, Greg Grimstad, Pete Schulte, Deb Becker. In each show, all 6 performed as the Gamma Phi Jugglers and then Bruce and I (The Wimbledon Brothers) performed our competition act. I also performed in the unicycle act in both shows.

Oct, 1979: I.S.U. Homecoming Parade - Normal, IL
With Greg Grimstad, and others. I rode a 6-foot unicycle through the parade while Greg passed clubs with me.

Oct, 1979: I.S.U. Talent Competition - Normal, IL
First Place - with John Burns.

Nov, 1979: I.S.U. Parents Day Dinner - Normal, IL
With John Burns - I.S.U. president Lloyd Watkins arranged with me to do a surprise performance for this dinner. He wanted to surprise my dad who was president of the I.S.U. Parents Association at the time.

Nov 17, 1979: Gamma Phi All Star Circus - Limestone High School - Peoria, IL
With John Burns, Chuck Hutinger, Jim Jehli, Bob Jehli, Jim Johnson, plus unicycle act. This was a performance of veteran Gamma Phi performers for the high school in Peoria where Chuck Hutinger was a teacher at the time.

Dec, 1979: Madrigal Dinners - I.S.U. Union Auditorium - Normal, IL
15 shows in 15 days - solo.

Dec, 1979: Franklin Street Mall - Tampa, FL
11 shows in 4 days - with Bruce Pfeffer (The Wimbledon Brothers).

Dec, 1979: Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Very Merry Christmas Parade - FL
20 parades in 12 days - with Bruce Pfeffer (The Wimbledon Brothers).

Dec, 1979: Walt Disney World Magic Kingdom Tomorrowland - FL
10 shows in 10 days - with Bruce Pfeffer (The Wimbledon Brothers).

2020s - 2010s - 2000s - 1990s - 1980s - 1970s Decade